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Beyond Fear to Freedom

Aug 26, 2020

This week in the Beyond Fear To Freedom Podcast episode 41 we talk about UNDERSTANDING OUR ROOT SYSTEM. We define what a root is and discuss the 4 roots we believe our behavior can come from. They are: 1. Injustices 2. Generational Patterns 3. Curses and Assignments 4. Open Door Sin Instead of asking the question...

Aug 18, 2020

This week in the Beyond Fear To Freedom Podcast episode 40 we discuss FREEDOM AND SALVATION! Who would have thought those two actually go together?! Freedom is a result of salvation.

How do you receive salvation?
Do you know you even need to be saved or rescued?
What area in your life are you NOT experiencing true freedom?

Aug 12, 2020

This week in the Beyond Fear To Freedom Podcast episode 39 we discuss FREEDOM! Do you ever wonder about your freedom? In Christ, we have been given the blessing of freedom. Not the freedom to do whatever we want to do, but the freedom to choose what is good and right. And let me tell you it takes courage to do that, as...

Aug 5, 2020

This week in the Beyond Fear To Freedom Podcast episode 38 we discuss 1 Samuel 16 where Samuel is sent to find the new King of Israel. He is not so pleased with what he sees.
Do you see what God sees?
Are you a gift taker?