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Beyond Fear to Freedom

Dec 15, 2023

Are you feeling stressed out trying to live up to all the expectations of the season? Are you feeling empty or lonely? Let us come and receive the gift God has given us this season Jesus Christ and His unending love.

Join Vanessa and Amanda as they discuss the reason for the season and the love of...

Nov 16, 2023

Are you still faithful to God even when trials and tribulations come into you life? Or Do you shake you fist at heaven and question His goodness? There are examples all throughout the Word of God's faithfulness in trails.. look at Job!

We're LIVE and talking about Faithfulness! #beyondfeartofreedom #Godisgood #BFF...

Nov 9, 2023

Are you trying to control your own life and failing? Do you have sin in your life that you know you need to let go of? God is calling us to let go surrender to His will!

We're live and talking about.. yup, you guessed it, Surrender! 

#beyondfeartofreedom #Jesustakethewheel #BFF #Freedom #Surrender #FreedominHim


Oct 27, 2023

Listen to our Throwback Thursday Truth Talk as Debbie G and Sheridan exchange views on the season of SWEATHA WEATHA!!! 🤪😂🤩 #Beyondfeartofreedom #Itsfallyall #LOL #Sweaterweather #Jesuslovesyou

Sep 22, 2023

We've been talking about Fear again this year! Listen to this throw back of Debbie G and Vanessa as they talk about codependency and how it's fueled and motivated by our fears. Your fear is 100% dependent on you for its survival. What fears do you want to be free from?
#beyondfeartofreedom #befree #fearisaliar #fear...